Sunday 10 November 2013

what makes our company strong

As usual, I want to share my story first of all things. I would like to name the story; ‘a very long day for a KFC’..wah, it just come to my mind in a second..I must have a gift in naming things..*self-admired*..ok, this story just happened yesterday. It started when my two friends and I planned to go to Puduraya station to make a passport where we need to use it for our industrial visit. We took ‘prebet’ (don’t know how to translate it into English, kinda like taxi but cheaper and commonly offered by students), KTM, and then LRT to arrive Pudu. Such a long journey..BUT..arrived there, the entrance to the immigration centre was locked and we found a notice written ‘we are sorry. There is electricity problem in immigration centre during this period. Any activity is temporarily stopped until the problem is settled.’ We felt very disappointed and upset. Luckily, I did not go there just for making passport as I also need to buy bus ticket for Saturday. After I bought my ticket, we went to KFC to fill our empty stomach. As I got to try the new set of KFC, I felt slightly happy..hehe..then, we just went home and took LRT, KTM and ‘prebet’ once again. =_=..

this pic makes me crave for it again..*drooled*..:-P

Okay, now we move to the real topic. This week chapter is strengthening a company’s competitive decision: strategic moves, timing and scope of operations. Just like its name, this chapter discuss about a really wide scope about how to amplify our company and products throughout the market. We have to know when will we use offensive (attack) and defensive strategies. I was interested to a strategy called blue-ocean strategy; a market space, where the industry has not yet taken shape, with no rivals and wide-open long-term growth and profit potential for a firm that can create demand for new types of products. It means we produce something new and unique which others never done before. If I want to succeed as a food business successor in the future, I have to start to think about it now. Hmm..any idea?? As the definition, any company who try to create something new called a first mover. It can be advantages and also disadvantages. It will be advantageous if your product gets a good and favorable response where many customers will look up for your product and you get a drastic increase of sales. But, it will be disadvantageous if your product fail to attract people and you already invest a lot of money into it. We also learned about merger. Merger is basically a combining of two or more companies into a single corporate entity with a new name. It can be categorized into two which are horizontal and vertical, but I still have to read more to fully understand the difference. There is also outsourcing where a company has to use outside vendors for their value chain activities mostly because it is cheaper and more flexible.
     I think that’s all for now. Please look up my previous posts also..hehe..*sudden self-promote*..ahh, so tired..k, goodbye everyone..Assalamualaikum..;-) 

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