Sunday 10 November 2013

dealing with foreign markets

Assalamualaikum readers and viewers..
I just got back from my hometown yesterday after mid-semester break. I did a lot of things when I was in home..hehe..well, let’s story..first, we went to a vacation!! *happy*..well, it just in Teluk Batik which we frequently went to but this time we spent a night there. My younger sister booked a chalet called Crystal Bay chalet. It is nice and very affordable (RM100 on weekdays, RM125 per night on weekend). What I like the most from this vacation is the foods offered in restaurants we went to are mostly cheap and most importantly I don’t get sunburn..haha..the weather was so nice as it is cloudy so I don’t have to worry to stay long at the seaside. But what disappoint me is the trash litter was everywhere as the day before was Deepavali and the cleaners which mostly Indian had two days off. During the break also, I made my first PASSPORT..*feeling excited*..finally, after two times failed(Pudu-closed because of the electricity problem and Kuala Selangor-run out of numbers). I succeed in getting passport in Teluk Intan. Luckily, the process was fast and I didn’t have to wait for long.

my passport..tihihi

cannot enter Israel la

p/s: no pic for my vacation as i forgot to ask some from my mother (our camerawoman).

Last but not least, I made a strawberry cake (first time) and chocolate cupcakes at home. Although it looks clumsy but it full of sincerity...hehe…thank you Umi for the decoration of the strawberry took me a night to make the strawberry cake (with decoration), well, first timer..hihi..while for the chocolate cupcakes, I made it for my beloved friends..

my first strawberry cake

made by me, decorated by my friends (ada, nisaa, kinah, sahidah)..:D

Okay, now let’s get back to SM. This time lecture is about strategies for competing in international markets. Most of entrepreneurs must have a will to spend their business not just locally but also into foreign markets. This is because the bigger the market, the better for our product expanding. Through this chapter, I can see that it is more complex and hard than the previous chapters as we are now entering a bigger scope in business. It is because different country will have different cultures, policies, climax, taste and preference and etc. which we have to consider and understand first before entering the market. In home country, which is the country where we begin our business, we don’t have to worry for all these as we know better people in our country. But in host country; the country where we spend our business and open branches there, these all matters. The risks are also higher and we cannot take it lightly. Talking about risk, Miss Ummi had shared with us the issue of LINAS. She said that LINAS came from Australia to our country to dump the radioactive wastage. It obviously cause harm to us but some Malay people just gladly welcome them. Did they ever think on why the company do the project in our country instead of theirs? Well, you can just think about there any country which want to harm their own people? I must say there is, it is Malaysia. I think I get little bit emotional here..hehe..
      We also learned about the strategic options. I interested in franchising strategy which is widely used by companies like KFC, McDonald’s, Starbucks, hotels, and etc. It is simpler and easier. Maybe I can also franchise my own bakery shop in the future..huhu..Insya’Allah. Lastly, Miss had shared an interesting video of Oreo sales in China. Oreo originally came from US but it gets a high sale in China. The company had invented many types and shape of it which coincide with the preferences of local people.


Well, I think that’s all I can write for this post..feeling so sleepy right now..may meet you again in the next post..nyte!

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