Wednesday 20 November 2013

getting to know o-shima

How is everybody? Feeling great today? Me? Hm…just so, what’s new today?? Finally I paid my study fee for this semester..huhuhu..*feeling excited and relieved*.. of course I am feeling so, after few times postponed (actually the bank is not so far though, about 5 minutes by walking..:P). After withdraw my money today and seeing the balance, I cannot accept the know, the feeling when your money is gone in a large amount leaves a very few balance..yes, that exact feeling..*sigh*..I think I have to minimize my expenses more strictly after this.$_$)

Well, this week we had an industrial talk. It was very interesting one. The talk is given by Puan  Asnidar Hanim Yusuf, owner of O-shima restaurant. Her restaurant serves Halal Japanese foods mainly sushi, the traditional know, the one which give you natural flavour instead of the new invention one. She previously studied degree and master level in engineering and currently taking PHD in USIM. Because of interest, she and her husband open this restaurant together. She had shared with us her experience in opening a business. She said we have to be tough and strong in this field. She had faced many hurdles and hardness to achieve her success now. For instance, have to close some branch because of workers’ problem (fighting in kitchen) and her business information got dig by her friend and open the same restaurant. Some hurdle gave tears to her but she never feels discouraged but instead she bounced back and strived more. She said we have to be always positive, Allah is always beside us and we have to believe Him and ensure that in everything we do, we must have a sincere intention because of Allah. I really agree with her. Her passion and sincerity in doing business really motivate and encourage me be a success person and insya Allah a success entrepreneur like her. May Allah ease my path. Amiin..

I think that’s the end of my writing right now. Assalamualaikum and goodnight everyone!  

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