Friday 6 December 2013

excellent organization is come from within

Assalamualaikum..morning everyone!
Last weekend was so enjoyable for me. Why?? Let’s story..:D.. last weekend was a graduation day for our senior that finished their studies last semester. So, I as a member of MyAgrosis USIM was assigned to sell flowers on that day at the CFest (convocation festival). We were 13 people in total for selling the flowers. On Saturday morning, we had a brief explanation about the flowers and their prices from the worker of the flowers’ supplier. She has a unique yet beautiful name; Nur Cahaya. We just called her sis cahaya. So, we began to sell the flowers. At first, there are just a few who came to our booth but then people started to fill the booth at noon. Luckily, we have enough members joined in and the sales of flowers run smoothly. Besides selling flowers, we also sell drinks and guava as an additional income. But, the weather turned bad passed the noon. The rain started to pour heavily and we have to save a few flowers that a little bit exposed and also teddy bears from getting wet. There was water logged and sloppy in our booth, thus we cannot escape from getting wet. Despite that, people still came into our booth and we also treat the customers with smiles. We finished our selling on that day at 6.30 p.m. At the night, my energy was depleted and I was ‘fainted’ after praying maghrib. Thanks to Nabihah for wake me up to pray Isya’. Tomorrow morning, we came to our booth at 8.00 a.m but we got a little chaotic because we were running out of ribbons for the flowers and customers already started to come. Luckily, one of the members, Sahidah knows how to make ribbon and we learned from her. I end up making ribbons for the day with Sahidah. At noon, the graduation event had already ended but there are still 46 bouquets of flowers that are not sold yet. So, we just ‘lelong’ the flowers to RM10 per bouquet and the flowers finally sold out..Alhamdulillah. This experience is so valuable to be keep in my memory and I hope to get experience like this again to enhance my entrepreneur skill.:-)

posing with wrapped bear

other 'flower sis (es?)' - from left; mazidah, kak sya, aishah and nada

On this week lecture, Miss Ummi bring along her niece. She was so adorable playing alone while waiting for her aunt patiently. J..okay, this week, we learned about building an organization capable of good strategy execution. Executing strategy entails figuring out the specific actions, and behaviours that are needed to get things done and deliver good results. It is basically gain command of what managers must do to execute strategy successfully. It is so important to hire, train, and retain the right people for the strategy execution process. It is because good quality workers will result a good quality organization. There are three approaches to building and strengthening capabilities; 1) internal development, 2) acquiring capabilities through mergers and 3) acquisitions and accessing capabilities via collaborative partnerships. I am interested for the third approach and already have someone in mind to collaborate with when I open my bakery in the future. Who?? I won’t tell..hehe.. For organizational structure, I will use a simple structure first in early of business set up. This is because I just have a limited workers and small size business as a beginner. When my business started to grow up and have many branches, I will use functional structure as I need functional lines like R&D, sales and marketing, logistics and others to ensure that my business will run smoothly and more organized. I hope that this dream will come true. In Sya Allah..

That’s all for today, Assalamualaikum and see you again..*wave hand*