Thursday 24 October 2013

week five..larger scope awaits me..

Assalamualaikum for anyone who read this post..
1st from all, i would like to apologize to miss ummi as i had postponed this post for too long..
before i start to write about SM, i would like to share my valuable experience that i got from doing a programme called Program Transformasi Diri at SMK Bandar Tasik Selatan last week. It was my first time being a facilitator for secondary school student and it was really 'best'..hehe..i and my classmates did the programme for one and a half day. This programme really teached me a lot on how to conduct a group of people. It is not easy actually to make everyone in the group pay attention and participate in the activities, but alhamdulillah i had overcome the difficulties and finish the programme 'dengan jayanya'..*feeling proud, eyes tearing..sob..sob..* 
       oh, i had some picture..where is it..haa..

these are some facilitators who participated in the programme..guess which one is me?..huhu..

I think that's enough for the,we move to things i learned in week 5 (1/10/2013)..

The topic is evaluating a company's resources, capabilities and competitiveness. That day, Miss Ummi had shared a video about McDonald..the content seems blur in my head now but i know that it is about the foundation, their specialties and strategies to make their brand meet the taste of people with different places. I remembered one picture shown that McDonald is written in Arabic language in Middle East which i found very interesting. Then, she asked us about market leader and the example. Now I know that it means a company who dominating the market. For example, Shell dominating fuel market. 
There are many new term that i learned. Do you know that there is a specific term for a knowledge that we learned without realize? it is called tacit knowledge. i also just heard about it. There are some specific indicators of strategic success. First one is VRIN test. VRIN stand for valuable, rare, inimitable (hard to copy) and non-substitutable. The tool used to discover VRIN test is called causal ambiguity which means a tool or strategy that make the rival don't know what makes a company become competitive advantage. Meaning, their resources and capabilities remain safe and confidential. 
          If before i had learned about SWOT analysis, now i know that there is also TOWS matrix.. just a backward order in term of the spelling but it  has wider scope than SWOT analysis. Miss just touched about it in brief. But it's okay..I will learn more about it in the next  tutorial class. 

I think, that's all for my overall understanding for this week. Ahh..i started to feel sleepy even it only 10 Waznah, you cannot sleep right now!..there is more assignment to do! aja,aja fighting!!!
I'll get my sweets..bye everyone..salam alayk..

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