Thursday 19 September 2013

newcomer blogger..sila beri tunjuk ajar..:)

Alhamdulillah..finally I had my own blog, even it is actually made compulsory as my assignment..keke~~
I would like to thank miss ummi as 4 give me this valuable experience..this task somehow makes me know internet application, I can boast to my sister that I also have a blog..hehe..
today, i wanna share some saying that I found very touched, memorable, sensible, and any other ble..;P

it is nice right? very moving..sob..of course, we cannot buy everything in this world..we can't buy happiness, time, family..they are very precious and can't be traded..agree? disagree? if u're disagree, I can say u don't have a meaningful life which I think very pathetic..we can't bring money to our afterlife (akhirat) though..
I think I have to stop right now..this sleepiness n tiredness is really killing me..c ya! In Sya Allah..


  1. i really like ur writing, ur story...:) cannot wait to see next post...hehe

  2. tq..but pls don't expect too much..keke~~
